
Accredited CPD Executive Coach

Today, I am proud to announce that I have been accredited as one of the first CPD Accredited Coaching by The CPD Standards Office. This means that I can now offer CPD hours and points for coaching, adding more depth and experience to your ongoing Continuous Professional Development. The accreditation was awarded on the basis [...]

Executive Coaching Books: The Coach’s Coach

The Coach’s Coach The Coach’s Coach by Alison Hardingam, Adrian Moorhouse and Mike Brearley is an eclectic blend of executive coaching tips, tools, techniques and examples covering a range of coaching needs, backed up with examples from the executive boardrooms and international playing fields. It is a fantastic book for those who have already embarked [...]

Executive Coaching Books: Coaching For Performance

Coaching For Performance Coaching For Performance by Sir John Whitmore is in my opinion a must have for any aspiring and practising executive coaches. Coaching For Performance is fantastically easy to read alongside having great academic resonance. The author, intersperse the theoretical with the real examples from his and others experiences. He freely distributes his [...]

Leadership: Charismatic Leaders

Charismatic Leaders We have all met highly charismatic people and their seemingly innate way they influence us can provide us with an interesting leadership tool. The concept of Charismatic Leaders lies with Max Weber, a German Sociologist, who established a framework for studying leadership based on the observation that during times of immense crisis (either [...]

A Boss or A Leader?

Empowering Culture Today I was working with a group of well seasoned managers from the same team who wanted to focus on empowerment and developing a more empowering culture in their team. We only had a 2 hour slot, which at first I thought “How do I fit empowerment into 2 hours?”, and came very [...]

When is coaching coaching?

What Is Coaching I’m frequently asked what exactly is coaching and where can coaching be legitimately used. Coaching’s most simple definition is an activity when one individual supports another individual in developing their own awareness about their situation and goals. Great coaching also goes beyond building awareness to supporting the individual in driving towards these [...]

Coaching Value

A Press Release today highlights the growth AND value in executive coaching. GROWTH IN EXECUTIVE COACHING According to this Press Release, spend on Executive Coaching has doubled over the last decade, to $1.9bn.  The growth in Executive Coaching is down to not only more individuals taking advantage of executive coaching, but also from organisations seeing [...]

Full Time Executive Coach?

Hiring A Full Time Executive Coach A report today, highlights the potential of subcontracting executive coaches for your organisation. The advantages of employing an executive coach are well known, with a 2008 study, highlighting that for every £1 spent, executive coaching delivers on average £7 return. But does that mean every company should now employ [...]