Learning and Development

What is Learning and Development?

Learning & Development (L&D) is the strategic ability to grow the overall organisation’s capability and therefore its competitive advantage.

Learning & Development starts by seeking out what the capability is required for the organisation to meet its strategic objective and the current level of organisational capability.

Capability Review

From this strategic capability review, a capability framework can be drawn up for key roles in the organisation and individual’s matched to this capability framework.   By doing this, it enables the organisation to understand what capability is required by each role and the current level of capability in each role, and most importantly, what action needs to be taken should there be a capability gap, that is to say where the organisation requires a higher capability than currently in role.

The learning & development function is focussed on understanding the current & future capability and the level of skill enhancement that is required by role.

The learning & development function will offer a range of different interventions to enable capability to meet the strategic requirements including training and coaching of incumbents and any future internal candidates.  The L&D function may also look to recruit specifically to fill strategic capability gaps.

Value of Experiential Learning and Development

According to a study by Sir John Whitmore, experiential learning & development is more than six times effective than traditional classroom style “tell” learning, learning & development functions focus on training that is more experience & on the job focus, such as executive coaching.

So to ensure your Learning & Development programmes are fully experiential, consider using executive coaching as one of the key elements in you L&D toolkit.

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